

Twice winner of the year for the young entrepreneur gold coast award, and winner of the Australian business award in New South Wales, Amazonia is an established Australian brand.

Amazonia has a great story to tell. Few years back, Dwayne, founder of the brand, found out in its remote Fremantle location that having açai bowl everyday was a real change in terms of body energy. He then decided to study and take the açai berries throughout Australia. Though Brisbane floods shackled this young business foundation by destroying stocks and office, Australians raised funds to help Dwayne developing his new company and together they saved Amazonia.

By sourcing right where the berries grow in Brazil, the selection guarantees the best quality of fruit, play a significant part in the sustainable production of the variety and help local farmers to live out of their culture in the villages on the swamplands of the Amazon. Not only açai is a healthy product recommended by nutritionists, but the brand also participates to protect Amazonian rainforests natural production (the northern state of Pará alone contains 6.1 million acres of wild açai trees!). These planets beauties are jewels to population survival, body health and to our planet.

On the food side, açai is usually mixed with banana. On top of the bowl, it’s very common to add some chia seeds, decorate it with strawberries, blueberries or even passion fruit. Up to your taste!

The açai bowl is amazing at breakfast but can also be eaten at anytime of the day.

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