Zucchini With Mushroom Duxelle

Zucchini With Mushroom Duxelle

Medium - 30 Min

  • style Dish type: Lunch & Dinner
  • poll Difficulty: Medium
  • access_time Preparation time: 30 min
  • timer Cooking time: 30 min
  • place Region: France

Recipe offered by Chef Philippe Morbelli. Thanks to him!


A classic French recipe! Zucchini are great for stuffing because their thick flesh makes a good vessel for food. Mushrooms are cooked with butter and onions, making them a delicious version of mushroom duxelles.


Zucchini Preparation

1.) Wash the zucchini & Mushroom portobello thoroughly.

2.) Slice the zucchini in half lengthwise & scoop the seeds with a spoon to make room for the stuffing.

3.) In a rectangle pyrex, grate the lemon skin & garlic, then, drizzle with balsamic vinegar, olive oil & honey.

4.) Add salt & pepper to taste then mix them together.

5.) Coat this amazing sauce all over your zucchini & let it sit in the chiller for 10 mins.

Mushroom Preparation

1.) In a saute pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat.

2.) Add a piece of rosemary.

3.) Throw in the dices musroom portobello.

4.) Add salt & pepper to taste, them mix them well.

5.) Remove pan from the heat.

6.) Grate the parmigiano riggiano over the mushroom and mix.


1.) Preheat the griller to 375 degree Farenheight.

2.) Stuff the zucchini with the sauted mushroom.

3.) Grill for 5-7 minutes

4.) Poke the zucchini with a knife & when it's soft, then it's ready to be served!

Ingredients Quantity Price
Out of stock Mushroom Portobello +/-500g AED36.50
Parmigiano Reggiano 200 GR AED52.00
Honey Acacia 250 GR AED25.00
Greek Rosemary 40 GR AED9.50