Galette With Egg & Parsley

Galette With Egg & Parsley

سهل - 5 Min

  • style Dish type: وجبة افطار
  • poll Difficulty: سهل
  • access_time Preparation time: 5 min
  • timer Cooking time: 5 min
  • place Region: France


This savory galette with egg and basil is a delicious and easy-to-make dish that is perfect for breakfast, brunch, or even as a light lunch or dinner.

Ingredients Quantity Price
كريب الحنطة السوداء من بريتاني 27 سم (6 قطع) 12.50 AED
بيض عضوي طازج 10 قطع 25.00 AED
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Taggiasca 250ML 29.00 AED